It's looking like 2012 will be a busy but rewarding and enjoyable year for me :) In 3 weeks time I will be leaving the UK for a month or so to partake in a birding/conservation/photography trip to Nepal.
I shall also be visiting Sri Lanka again at some point, the business is up and running and the website should be live in the next few days, from the website you will be able to make enquiries, meet the team, and see all about what Sri Lanka has to offer! I did some of the written work for the site as well as providing the photographs - a task I enjoyed very much!
During the year I will hopefully also be involved in other projects that have been offered to me - one is working in Rajastan, at a eco lodge in Ranthambore National Park, which will involve staff training in hospitality etiquette and spoken English and also Tiger conservation work :)
Another exciting project is based in Chennai in the Tamil Nadu district of India- this will involve working in conservation projects within the education systems , teaching conservation awareness and with government funding, teaching children/young people the basics of photography(with a conservation/wildlife theme) so that they may take on board (and capture) the wonders of nature and so thus lay a foundation for them to take an active interest in these vital areas. All very worthwhile and productive and I will be proud to be part of it :)
I have also been offered the chance to work with the forest guards/NGO's in Gujurat too at some point :)
I should also be visiting Panama on a working trip around October time. It was to have taken place in March but has been put on hold for a while. This will also be a fantastic trip Im sure!!
Bring it on................Im ready :)!!!