A Quick Dash to Alkborough Flats 27-8-11

An hours visit there today with Rich and Andy Sharp, with torrential rain and bad light. Still a productive hour though. Within 5 minutes of leaving the car we watched a Hobby chasing a Martin for a good 5 mins - not something you see every day- always great to see nature in the raw! With the rain pounding down we made for the hide and sat scanning the area. Lots of Avocet, Black Tailed and Bar Tailed Godwits and Shelduck. Ringed Plover, Knot, Greenshank etc were noted then Andy spotted an approaching Spoonbill (our target bird for today). I only managed distant record shots, the light was atrocious throughout our visit, but enjoyed watching it feed using Andys  'scope. It was a pleasure to hear the melodies of all the different bird calls surrounding us :)

Black Tailed Godwit

Greylag Geese


Here are a few record shots from the visit there.